WW2 Shrapnel in tin box
(This is in the WW2 artefact box)
Can you answer the questions below by spinning this image and using the extra pictures?
Extra information and pictures

1) Shrapnel was often collected by children during the war after it had fallen from the sky. What other things do you think children collected?
2) Some children who were not evacuated spent a lot of time avoiding Air Raid Wardens and Police who tried to stop them going on ruined houses and bomb sites. Why do you think they tied to stop them?
3) How would you feel if you were A) a German pilot being shot at in his plane? and B) a child who collected shrapnel?
Answers down here - no peeking until you're ready!
1) Shrapnel was often collected by children during the war after it had fallen from the sky. What other things do you think children collected?
ANSWER: Anything to do with the war such as airplane parts and soldier's badges but also non-war things such as dolls, stamps and comics (though they couldn't always afford them).
2) Some children who were not evacuated spent a lot of time avoiding Air Raid Wardens and Police who tried to stop them going on ruined houses and bomb sites. Why do you think they tied to stop them?
ANSWER: So they wouldn't get hurt!
3) How would you feel if you were A) a German pilot being shot at in his plane? and B) a child who collected shrapnel?
ANSWER: This one is up to you to decide!